The concierge guy at the Venetian said that the roads to the Grand Canyon would be iced over. He also said that there was a ten miles stretch of road that was all dirt and didn't even have turn signs. And that that road would be too dangerous to travel if you had a rental car.
Oh well, click link below for GRAND CANYON STORY:
(coming soon)
So instead that day we went to Red Rock Canyon, about a half an hour drive perpendicular to the Strip.
We made one stop on our way to the canyon, which was Red Rock Spring. It is a smaller rock that sort of looks at the red rock.
We stopped there to use the bathroom. We also decided to climb, kind of, to the top, but got about half way there, then it just started to go directly up. And we gave up.
My new favorite hobby that only applies to Red Rock Spring was that if you picked up any rock, it would be limestone. What's even cooler is that when you throw it against any rock it will explode! It's so weak that a little bit of pressure like that can crush it to bits.
It's really cool.
When we actually got to the Red Rock, I got a T-Shirt that say Red Rock Canyon on it.
We went on the scenic drive, 13 miles and we stopped at the first and third stops.
The first stop was boring, just a hole in the ground, the third one was much better.
My mom told me that at the third one you could go and climb the red rock. And we did, it was kind of scary. For example if you started sliding down you wouldn't stop for a while. But the advantage was that there was actually traction against the rocks with your shoe.
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