Thursday, January 21, 2010

My favorite quote, by far!!

So recently Jay Leno and Conan O' Brian have been dealing with some NBC time slot issues. And when I watched the commercials and news reports, my favorite quote was, "If you don't want people to see me, leave me on NBC." Conan O'Brian said that and I think that it's really funny. Because they are trying to make irony there. NBC is one of the best network television stations, so they're saying that NBC sucks. Another example to prove this is that they always make jokes about it.

A couple weeks ago, Jay Leno was 'test driving' Bing Image search. Saying that Bing is saying that they have the most customizable and detailed search engines. So he typed in "train wreck+Hindenburg+Titanic" and NBC popped up. I was laughing so hard. And it's pretty funny too. Don't ya think?

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