Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Plane Ride To Las Vegas, NV (Part I)

December 23, 2009

"This is gonna be a blast," was what I was thinking on the plane ride to Las Vegas. I skipped school that day, I could've only stayed until 10:00 A.M. anyway, I didn't see too much point in going. Science and Language Arts isn't really what I'd go to school for three hours for. I don't mind it, it was just gonna be unproductive for me because I'd have to leave in the middle of class.
Everything about this trip is gonna be perfect. We even got to the airport extra early so there would be no hassle.
Me, being unexperienced as I am, thought that parking was gonna be a real pain-in-the-you-know-what. But it wasn't. Just finding the actual parking area was.
It was about late morning when we got there. But basically all that we had problems with, driving wise, was mall traffic in the beginning of our journey. Many school districts, had already let their students out, unlike CBSD, which kept students in school until a day before Christmas.
Oh, wait, another problem. The main entrance to the economy parking lot was snowed out, they didn't even bother plowing it. Apparently they don't think people will be doing much traveling in the holiday season.
So when we found the alternate route into the parking lot, all we had to do was find a parking space, park the car, get all of our junk out of the car, go to the shuttle stop and wait. Not so easy. Let me put it in simpler terms. They didn't really plow the parking lot either. It seem that they plowed about half of it and gave up, the parking in the beginning letters, A-H, was filled. With snow, of course. And many of the cars got snowed in. Where they did plow the snow there was a single lane and the snow just sorta piled up right behind the cars. We finally parked in Section J24, right by the exit.
Let's fast forward a bit::::::::::::::

So when we finally, finally, finally got to the security, I was annoyed out of, I don't know, my nerves. Security now is really, really tight. Every thing must go through the scanner, like my book could've possibly been a bomb. Even my belt which was two D- Rings that kept the fabrics clamped in between. Which of course, I hope, keeps your pants up. It keeps mine up. No liquids either. Or everything has to be under 3 oz.

Well once we were through security we had to find lunch in the Gate Areas. Which was not hard. We stopped at Villa Pizza Italian Restaurant. I got a Baked Ziti with a huge meatball. I think it was maybe the best food I have had in a while. Or I was really hungry...(to be continued)

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